이미지의 삶과 죽음/회화의 세계

[스크랩] David Graux 작품

ddolappa 2008. 5. 7. 03:35



David Graux 작품






David Graux was born in Besanton in 1970, where he still lives and works. 

 His highly inquiring mind tried all means of expression!!!

and all techniques in order to establish his very personal style. 


 His favourite theme is the naked woman in all her glory. 

This woman rises on a richly worked and abstract background,

which involves playing with material and complicated graphics. 


She stands out against it thanks to the perfection of her delicate lines and

to her softness.


The background and the woman are both full of mystery and both loaded

with the recurrent secret of oriental calligraphy, which one would like to decipher




















































































































































































출처 : 아름다운미술관










출처 : 양지방이올
글쓴이 : 창현네 고향들녁 원글보기
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